Element | Property / Field | Aliases |
All elements except Zones | ID | Id, assetid, ASSET_ID, WATHYDRANT, WATMAINID, WATSERVICE, WATVALVEID, OBJECTID, Unit_ID, Nombre, dc_id, Name |
Zones | ID | Name, Nombre, Zone, Zona, Id, text |
All elements | Description | Description, Descripcion |
All elements | Group | Group, Grupo |
All elements except Zones | Lifecyle | Life, lifecycle, d_lifecycl, estado_de_servicio |
(Lifecycle) Active | Active, Activo, Activa, En servicio | |
(Lifecycle) Abandoned | Abandoned, Abandonada, Abandonado | |
(Lifecycle) Proposed | Proposed, Propuesta, Propuesto, Planned | |
Pipes | Length | Shape__Len, Longitud, Length, Long |
Pipes, valves, tanks | Diameter | diametro_nominal_dn__mm_, NominalDiameter, NOMINALDIA, Diameter_m, VALVE_SIZE, PIPE_SIZE, PIPE_DIA, Diameter, Diametro, DIAM_Ø, DIAM_Ø, dn_mm, Diam, Size, Ø, dn, Ø |
Pipes | Roughness coefficient | Roughness, RoughCoeff, Rugosidad, CoefRug |
Pipes, valves | Minor loss coefficient | MinorLoss, LossCoeff |
Pipes, valves, pumps | Status: OPEN, CLOSED, CV | IniStatus, Estado, Status, estado_ape, estado_act, d_presents, d_normalst, normalstat |
Pipes, valves, pumps | Control | Controls, Control |
Pipes | Material | Material, d_material, PIPE_MTRL |
Pipes | Installation Date | FECHA_DE_INSTALACION, FechaDeInstalacion, Installation_Date, InstallationDate, created_date, FECHA_DE_I, Installati, installdat, Fecha, Date, instal, laid |
Pipes, junctions, tanks | WarningThresholdMax | WarningThresholdMax |
WarningThresholdMin | WarningThresholdMin | |
Junctions, Valves, Pumps, Supply sources, Tanks | Elevation | Elevation, Elev, COTASOLERA, COTA_TER, Altura, Cota, TotalHead, Head |
Junctions (Hydrants / Customer points) | Demand | Demand, Demanda, BaseDem, DemBase |
Junctions (Hydrants) | Emitter | Emitter, EmittCoef |
Valves | Type |
ValveType, Category, Family, Familia, Type, Tipo, Class |
Valves, pumps | Setting | Setting, Consigna |
Valves, pumps | Upstream | UpstreamConnections, UP, upstream |
Pumps | Power | Power, Potencia, Potency, Output, Force |
Pumps | Operating curve (head curve) | pump_curve, curva_bomba, HeadCurve |
Supply sources | Head (total elevation) | TotalHead, Head, Altura, Height |
Tanks | Height | Height |
Initial level | InitialLevel, StartLevel, NivelIni, IniLevel, Nivel, Level | |
Minimum level | MinimumLevel, MinLevel, NivelMin, NivMin | |
Maximum level | MaximumLevel, MaxLevel, NivelMax, NivMax | |
Minimum volume | MinimumVolume, MinVolume, VolumenMin, VolMi | |
Maximum volume | MaximumVolume, MaxVolume, VolumenMax, VolMax, Capacity, Capacidad | |
CanOverflow | CanOverflow | |
Zones | BaseDemand | BaseDem, DemBase |
DemandPattern | DemandPattern, DemandPatt | |
Inlets | inlets, entradas | |
Outlets | outlets, salidas |
⚠️ Important: Aliases are insensitive to case, accents and more than one space. For example, if you write height instead of Height the platform will still process it correctly.