Are you experiencing any issues with Qatium? This is the go-to destination for finding answers.
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Importing errors
Wrong file type
I uploaded a .inp file and it’s not working
Uploading GIS files is not working
Errors uploading GeoJSON files
Error uploading Shapefiles
Qatium is ignoring my files
Why isn’t my GIS data mapped to the right asset?
Why is the map not visible?
How can I find my map projection?
My network location is wrong
Simulation & scenario errors
Qatium crashes when I try to ignore a layer
Why do I receive a “Simulation is not available” message when running scenarios?
I can't access the pressure, flow and/or tank autonomy panels
Why isn't the graph displaying?
Why is the assigned demand different from consumption?
Why is my pipe not being shut?
Why is my network not displaying water balance insights?
What happens if the water balance insights are N/A?
Efficiency doesn’t appear on the water balance insights